Friday, January 18, 2008

Love Pangs in the chest

A close eye has been kept on the group that could save this couple's lives, Valentines Airlines. Of course the numbers are good but they could be better. On opposite sides of the world both Tatjana and James have shown symptoms of distress as their pangs of missingess intensify.

Throughout the day on opposite sides of the world both individuals (halves of a whole...) have suffered love pangs. What is a love pang you ask? Its an intense cramp that strikes its victim at 13h47 AM (local time) in the chest. It may cause the patient to stumble or faint. In Tatjana's case it caused a seriously ugly layout design (which was later rectified) and in James' case it caused sudden impact with a tree. These pangs can be deadly if not treated. Fortunately neither of the pair are surfers and so their chances of drowning are massively diminished but who knows what else might come from their suffering?

The Valentines Airlines Group is currently at 270 members... the pace is slow but it's Friday and clearly many potential group members are seeing to their own personal love-needs. The couple is understanding and is more optimistic than ever about the prospect of looking into each-other's eyes in February. They are incredibly grateful for the members who have joined their group already.

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